These issues include software that isn't specific to Arch Linux but provides solutions assuming this software is operating within Arch Linux by some means or another. These are also specific to my own personal experience through my own requirements/preferences and assumptions and may be one of many possible solutions to that same problem.
They may also be more than likely not the most optimal solutions to these issues in regard to what others with greater understanding and experience with this software would suggest.
These are just solutions that worked for my own needs.
Audio Not Working
Install Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Utilities |
# pacman -S alsa-utils
Install ALSA Firmware Binaries |
# pacman -S alsa-firmware
Install Pulse Audio Sound Server |
# pacman -S pulseaudio
Install ALSA Configuration for PulseAudio |
# pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa
Install Sound Open Firmware |
# pacman -S sof-firmware
Restart The Computer |
As Required |
Unmute The Master Channel |
# amixer sset Master unmute
Unmute The Speakers Channel |
# amixer sset Speaker unmute
Unmute The Headphones Channel |
# amixer sset Headphone unmute
Increase ALSA Volume |
# alsamixer
External References
C++ Programming Editor Missing
Install Kate (Advanced Text Editor) |
# pacman -S kate
KDE Discover - No Application Backends Found
Install The QT5 Bindings For PackageKit |
# pacman -S packagekit-qt5
External References
KDE Package Manager Missing
Install The KDE And Plasma Resources Management GUI |
# pacman -S discover
KDE Plasma - Appearance Theme Installation Failure
Installation of /tmp... failed: Could not install dependency: 'kns://sddmtheme.knsrc/
When trying to install a KDE Plasma Theme in System Settings / Appearance / Global Theme, an error occurs regarding the inability to install a required dependency.
This can be fixed by installing the KDE Config Module for SDDM.
Install The KDE Config Module for SDDM |
# pacman -S sddm-kcm
External References
KDE Plasma - VLC Not Inhibiting Screensaver In Full-Screen Playback
Whilst playing a video in VLC in fullscreen for a period of time, the screensaver/power management function of KDE will kick in and turn off the screen.
Follow the listed steps below to make sure VLC is properly configured to overcome this and the required Xorg and KDE packages are installed to allow this.
In VLC navigate to |
Change Show Settings (if required) to |
Navigate to |
Enable Checkbox |
Disable Screensaver
Open file (not in VLC lol) |
Uncomment line |
Install the Xorg package xscreensaver (if not already) |
# pacman -S xscreensaver
Install the KDE Power Management package powerdevil (if not already) |
# pacman -S powerdevil
Restart Linux for changes to take effect (if packages were installed) |
As Required |
External References
KDE Plasma - Volume Control Missing From Taskbar
A simple solution is to install the KMix volume control application.
Install The KDE Volume Control Program |
# pacman -S kmix
Remember to right click the speaker icon and choose
Select Master Channel
. This is useful if the master channel is not detected initially such as for headphones.
External References
Multi-Monitor Support Not Available In KDE And Can't Be Configured
Install KDE Screen Management Software |
# pacman -S kscreen
No Basic Compression Support Available
Install The p7zip Command-Line File Archiver |
# pacman -S p7zip
Install The Ark Archiving Tool |
# pacman -S ark
Nvidia Settings Missing From KDE
Install The Tool For Configuring The NVIDIA Graphics Driver |
# pacman -S nvidia-settings
Programming - Application Unable To Reference Shared Library In Local Lib
By default only the /usr/lib directory can be referenced by developed applications but it is preferable to install custom application libraries into the /usr/local/lib directory.
There are two methods to fix this, one using the ldconfig command and the other by modifying the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in the bashrc file. The first method is preferred as it is sometimes unadvisable to manually modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for linking purposes.
Method 1 actually modifies the environment system wide and doesn't require a shell restart where Method 2 just modifies the local user shell environment only and the shell must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Method 1: LDCONFIG
Navigate to the directory |
# cd /etc/
Create/Open new liblocal.conf file |
# micro locallib.conf
Add line |
Save & Exit Micro Text Editor |
# ldconfig
Method 2: BASHRC
Modify user BASHRC file |
$ micro ~/.bashrc
Append line |
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib"
Save & Exit Micro Text Editor |
Restart Shell/Terminal Session |
As Required |
External References
QMMP - New Theme Skins Won't Add
In Settings/Appearance/Skins. Adding a new skin file will not add the new skin into the selection list. Even if the Refresh button is pressed and/or the program restarted.
It was noticed though that the archive file for the skin is still copied into the ~./config/qmmp/skins folder.
A little research brought around the fact that the unzip package needs to be installed to allow the extraction of the skin archives. Which in my case is wasn't. The Arch qmmp package didn't include this as a dependancy so it happily installed without unzip; obviously allowing this problem to occur unexpectedly.
So, to fix this just run;
Install The unzip Archive Extracter/Viewer |
# pacman -S unzip
External References
Veracrypt Missing
Install A Truecrypt Based Disk Encrypter |
# pacman -S veracrypt
Virtual Machine Manager - Can't Connect To QEMU-KVM
The libvirtd service needs to be enabled and started before Virtual Machine Manager can actually connect to QEMU-KVM.
Enable The libvirtd Service |
# systemctl enable libvirtd
Start The libvirtd service
# systemctl start libvirtd
Windows Drive Not Being Added To Grub
Edit The File |
Uncomment The Line |
Regenerate Grub Configuration File |
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Windows Drive Not Being Detected By OS-Prober
Create Windows Mount Directory |
# mkdir /mnt/windows
Mount Windows Drive To Directory |
# mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/windows
Re-Probe for Available OS Drives |
# os-prober